Monday, June 2, 2014

Let Us be Attentive!

Fellow Sojourners,

Christ has Ascended! In glory!

Welcome to our very own Orthodox reading forum! This blog is intended to be the venue by which we post and share the thoughts, reflections, concerns and questions that surface from our Orthodox readings this Summer. Please feel free to post any other materials (icons, prayers, excerpts, etc.) that strike your fancy. I have invited each of you to be authors of the site - do let me know if you have any trouble posting.

You will notice that the Three Holy Hierarchs (Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and Saint John Chrysostom) are lurking behind the post section. They are the patron saints of study/students and thus I thought it only fitting that they be so too the "patrons" of this blog.

I thought it also fitting to begin the posts with the following prayer:

Christ, the true light, who enlightens and sanctifies every person coming into the world, let the light of Your countenance shine upon me (us) that I (we) may see Your unapproachable light; and guide my (our) steps in the way of Your commandments, through the intercessions of Your all-holy Mother and of all the Saints. Amen.

I think that concludes my preliminary remarks! Happy posting!

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